Lonsdale skippingrope Overton


Lonsdale skippingrope Overton by Lonsdale Boxing



  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

Premium leather skippingrope Overton a must have piece of equipment for every boxing training. This rope comes with ergonomic shaped wooden handles and ball-bearings for maximum speed and handling while remaining a cool vintage look. The rope measures 2.8m.

Lonsdale is an iconic name in the world of boxing since 1960. Great athletes has been training, competing and winning in the brand's legendary equipment.


  • cowhide leather rope 2.8m
  • ergonomic shaped wooden handles
  • integrated ball-bearings
  • vintage look
  • heat embossed logo
  • Crafted form boxing- and other martial arts- trainíng.

Available in brown, 2.8m