BenLee Rocky Marciano Slimming Belt


BenLee Rocky Marciano Slimming Belt by BenLee Rocky Marciano




  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

BenLee "Rocky Marciano" slimming belt, is usefull for slimming, burning fat, to reduce weight, assist in body basic toning, provide a comforting massage while wearing and stimulate blood circulation on. Easy to waer with the velcro closure, with 20cm in height and a length that fitts anyone with a waist till 100cm. Machine washable.

NEW! Ths Slimming Belt is now also avialable in 130cm for waist line till 125cm.


  • 100% Neophrene
  • 20cm height
  • fits anyone with a max waist. of 100cm, resp 125cm.
  • velcro closure


Available in black.

Slimming Belt